2015 TIVA Peer Awards Honorees
Mike Sobola
Distinguished Service Award
It is with great honor and distinction on this day of November 14, 2015, at the annual TIVA Peer Awards Gala, in acknowledgement of his exceptional service to the media production community, that the Board of Directors of TIVA-DC hereby confers to Mike Sobola its highest level of recognition and respect — for his many years of service to TIVA as former Board President; his exceptional leadership, creativity and guidance as past Chair of the TIVA Peer Awards; and his ongoing and growing body of work as an Emmy-Award winning producer — with its Distinguished Service Award.
Melissa Houghton
Community Partner Award
In recognition of her unique qualities as Executive Director of Women in Film and Video (WIFV) since 2005, providing herself as an inspirational leader, informed guide, and influential mentor, in service to countless numbers of filmmakers, directors, storytellers, editors, producers and all manner of media production professionals and students; and further, in acknowledgement of her tireless efforts to advocate, confer, partner and collaborate with TIVA-DC and many other media entities, government agencies, community organizations, and leading professionals across many disciplines, in order to further the aspirations, contributions and potential of the media production community, it is with great honor and distinction on this day of November 14, 2015, at the annual 2015 TIVA Peer Awards Gala, that the Board of Directors of TIVA-DC hereby confers to Melissa Houghton recognition with its Community Partner Award.
Steve Wallace
Steve Wallace Community Service Award
On this day of November 14, 2015, at its annual TIVA Peer Awards Gala, it is with great honor that the Board of Directors of TIVA-DC recognizes the merits of outstanding leadership, distinguished work ethic, unyielding honesty, and generosity of spirit from within the region’s media production community, by conferring its inaugural Steve Wallace Community Service Award to Stephen McFarland Wallace (1943-2015). As the founder and owner of Presentation Media in Jessup, Maryland, Steve was dedicated to giving his clients the best he could offer — and more. Steve was widely known to go out of his way to accommodate his clients and was always flexible to meet their budgets and needs. He was hands-on, intensely creative and universally recognized as the “go-to” guy, at a moment’s notice, for any AV need, while building a strong and well-respected company.
Through this award and recognition, may it be forever known that Steve Wallace will be regarded as an outstanding individual and longtime friend of TIVA and many other media associations, and that for his diverse range of clients, both large and small, for whom he provided an unusually large percentage of in-kind services, he will always be remembered for the delivery of top-notch service and exemplary business friendship.
Laetitia Giansily-Doyle
A Salute to Excellence in Media Distribution
It is with great honor that the Board of Directors of TIVA-DC on this day of November 14, 2015, at its annual TIVA Peer Awards Gala, recognizes Laetitia Giansily-Doyle, International Sales and Acquisitions Representative, Head of the U.S. Office of Terranoa, Washington D.C., for her role in developing and sourcing documentary films and catalogues from independent producers and filmmakers; handling pre-sales and co-productions; and overseeing sales to the Americas, Australia, Southern Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, and hereby pay tribute to her with its highest recognition: A Salute to Excellence in Media Distribution.
Terranoa is one of the leading French based distribution companies, handling a catalogue of over 1300 hours of high end factual programmes. Their 15 year expertise and seasoned sales team serve independent producers worldwide and offer broadcasters a wide ranging choice of carefully selected content.