Currently work at the National Institutes of Health as Program Analyst. Social Media Coordinator for the Division of Lung Diseases at the National Heart,Lung, and Blood Institute. Manage the X page for the Division Director (NHLBI_LungDIR). Increased page followers over 30% in two years using the hashtags #NHLBIEarlyCareer and #KnowYourPO.
Proven track record as a successful social media coordinator. Provided expert advice to the NIH Corporate Unit how to grow their social media presence. NIH LinkedIn page had over 150,000 in Fall 2019, now has over 800,000 followers in Fall 2024.Winner of Team Southeast Regional Director's Award (2013) for being on the social media team during the Honey Prairie Fire. Social Media Coordinator at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (May 2011 - March 2013) managed the third most popular Facebook page in the entire U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service nationwide. Mentioned by name in the 1st edition of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Social Media Guidelines (2013).
Other previous video and film assignments while at the NIH Center for Scientific Review include: assisted with various film projects including assisting with casting and directing a photoshoot for the Launch a Scientist app.
Participated in two film details with the Intramural Research Program and the NIH Corporate Recruitment Unit.
Successfully helped to pilot the NIH Video Assisted Meeting (video conferencing software) to have all virtual attendee scientific review meetings using Cisco Jabber. Piloted review meetings with up to 35 attendees to review complex genetics grants. High level of satisfaction from internal and external stakeholders. Pilot was Fall 2014-Summer 2015.
Current member of the National Institutes of Health Social Media Collaborators Group YouTube Platform Ambassador.Provide advice on how to create engaging videos for other social media collaborators.